Month: August 2006

What’s Been Up

beerpongI enjoy ping pong. I enjoy beer. Needless to say, I enjoy BEER PONG!  I can think of no better way to test limits of human athleticism than lobbing a ping pong ball ( or in our case, a ball of tin foil ) into a little red cup.  I have always been an avid spectator of this formidable sport, but on that fateful evening, I, alongside the mighty Chuck, made my debut performance after being brought up to speed by a quick tutorial thanks to Chuck.  From lob one I was hooked and Chuck & I made a name for ourselves as a stumbling force to be reckoned with.  The party that night was at my alleged twin‘s house whose brother, pictured here, was rumoured of penetrating the most renowned of manly organs with a cold steel rod.  Yes, yes, the boy pictured to direct right pierced his own dork…did I mention he’s still in high school?  Pretty crazy night all in all, although the playing of the Jenga kinda signaled the winding down of things…thus beckoning my immediate departure from the deadened scene.   I am thankful for my vehicle.

More recently I was at my girl Tory’s house who I have been friends with since the elementary school days.  The party was satisfactory to say the least, even had a little kumbaya sesh outside and a real big fuckin fish inside.  I was immediately greeted inside by a welcomingnbhqfans boob grab and then there was Dana who grabbed my hat & attention with her mammory glands fumbling out of her shirt, Danielle, my ebony queen was there, she recently got her booby pierced, ya better believe she showed me!  The Dubb was there, licensed to boss and blur vision with that flourescent striped shirt he seems to love.  As the night went on my NBHQ hat that my girl got me circulated around the party from head to head to heads.  This pic should cracka smile, everyones cukoo for GUY DONG.

My hula girl girlfriend (on the right) borrowed my camera for a week when she went over to Hawaii for water polo and in doing so forced me to do two things I never wished to do and probably never will again.  Post anyones stuff other than my own & boesBORROW MY CAMERA so consider this me being a wonderful companion showcasing the works of mah luvah.  Heres some butts which are pretty cool, but also a troublesome / possibly wonderful indicator of my ladies possible bisexuality…then there was Exhibit B, C, D, and fuckin E!  Mahalo!

New Hostz0rs

host guard
Got ourselves on a freakin new host, so say goodbye to slowass load times & hours of downtime and hello to everything zen and lovely.  Do please give time for normalcy to ensue, and besides, you got HOURS left of summer so go to your county fair and spend too much money on shit you dont need.

We Have Paul Wall to Thank…


Teen Alcoholism

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