Month: August 2005

The Memorial Shirt

Please give me feedback on the shirt design, even though it’s still in the design stage I would like to finish it as soon as possible so we can begin the distribution process. Hopefully we will not have to charge for the shirts because of the generous donations of friends and family of Nick. Thank you all for your support thus far and for continuing to show support for our fallen friend.

Click here for the updated ( bigger version )

Rest In Peace Nick

SAN MATEO � Seventeen-year-old Nicholas Barron loved cars so much and had such a silver tongue that when his grandmother Marlene Ferrigno went to pick out a Cadillac, he came with her. He picked out everything, from the cherry-red color to the chrome package, and did all the dealing with the car salesman, his mother Gina Barron said.

But cars proved his undoing Saturday night. Barron, a student at Aragon High School, was killed in a car accident shortly after 10 p.m.

“It shouldn’t happen,” his father, Joel Barron, said Sunday.

Nicholas � the youngest of three sons � was driving his older brother Anthony Barron’s 1993 Camaro Z28 westbound on state Highway 92 at between 90 and 100 mph on the night he died, according to the California Highway Patrol.

While speeding, he attempted to merge into the fast lane from the next lane over, police said. He lost control of the car, and it veered right and hit another car driven by a 76-year-old San Mateo man who was traveling at 55 mph. The Camaro kept veering right, drove up a steep embankment and flipped.

Nicholas, who was not wearing a seat belt, was ejected from the car and pronounced dead at the scene. He was driving two friends up to the Crystal Springs Safeway store to meet with other friends, his parents said. The two passengers were wearing seat belts and were treated and released from Stanford Hospital with minor injuries.

The man driving the other car suffered moderate injuries and was also taken to Stanford.

The accident left family and friends bereft of a generous and charismatic young man who could, his grandfather George Barron said, “sell an icebox to an Eskimo.”

His brother, Brandon Barron, recalled going to the dean’s office at Aragon for throwing a piece of clay one day and finding Nicholas there � hanging out with the dean, and skipping class to do so.

Joel Barron said he found an employee for his startup company through his youngest son. He laughed about how well Nicholas played baseball at this year’s Father’s Day picnic, catching with his bare hands and hitting home runs, though he’d never followed his two brothers’ interest in sports. The entire family recalled that Nicholas helped a friend move earlier that day before his shift at Safeway, which ended at 9 p.m.

“He was so comfortable in his own skin,” Gina Barron said.

And then there were the cars. Nicholas got a scooter when he was only 15, and by the time he was 17, he had a huge Dodge Ram pickup that he worked on every week, his friend Ben Blosser said. Nicholas and his brother Anthony liked to trade cars from time to time, switching the sports car for the truck.

Crowds of Nicholas’ friends gathered in front of his home Sunday. They were already wearing shirts with his likeness printed on the front and back.

“He could make anybody smile,” said Tory Freeman, 16.

As of last night, the world has lost one of its brightest beings, Nick Barron was a great friend to me throughout my life, I have known him since Kindergarden, biggest smile, said hi to my mom all the time. If there was ever someone who never deserved something like this, it was Nick. He leaves behind two brothers and two loving parents who could all use your support in this tragic matter. Please show your respect for him by using this buddy icon that can also be found here. Or you can download this wallpaper:

My Site Kicks Ass, Your All Bitchin

null So this is the new layout, I wouldn’t say it’s completely finished, but the main page is up and that shit counts for somethin. Second week of my last year of high school already, and my birthday is tommorow followed by a crackin ass reception on Saturday which I will definately take pics of. So I thought I’d finally take some time to recollect the classics that made / make NBHQ.NET what it is. For example, remember when Kelly’s car got seran wrapped like Matty’s carrots in his lunch. Or how bout that badass drawing Travis did that he spent everyday on, every period for almost two weeks. Heres an old shot of me and Ash in Eeb’s ride back when it was new and I still had really, really spectacular hair. Heres what Dawkness’ boxers looked like after he was brutally ass raped by this beefy fellow. Than there was that one summer when my buddies and I hotwired a lawn mower and toured the country. I remember back when Pinky lived in his old crib, we’d stroll up and down the El Camino, stoppin to chill with this opinionated gent, and of course, being liberal ass Cali-forn-I.A. ians agree with him. We also honk if were horny. *MEEP MEEP* It’s important to show your momma some love sometimes, specially when she puts up with your shit, and does your laundry, and makes your lunch with 18 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches cause your a growing boy. Than there was that car show some years back, where Eebs, Cahill and myself checked out some altitude challenged breezies and some cars probably too.

And who could forget thefans, the ketchup squirting, chest dedicating, artsy fartsy sons a bitches. The pink ones, dawk ones, tall ones, and the unsure ones. I love em all

A quick word : click my google ads on the right and bottom of the page, it makes me money so I can buy the NBHQ shirts I’ve been talkin about for you guys. Feel free to check the cool new navigation thing out but don’t click anything quite yet cause none of it is uploaded except for the radio and guestbook, which I suggest you listen to and sign. Thank you that is all, peep these links:

Bobbing fo Crack
Wonka is MJ!
NBHQ Google
Listen to Saturn
Glowing Boobies

The Fair & The Puppy

No, Tina hasn’t squeezed out any little ones lately, but I did look after a little puppy poodle / cockerspaniel / shitsu this weekend, quite a task to undertake. The little cockapooshit is only a couple weeks old and it’s still nameless, but after it pissed in my girls mouth, I was considering Robert Kelly. Other than that lil incident, the little blacky was quite a hit with the ladies, she wooed Ash and serenaded Em. I was cool with her, she bit the skin on my neck a buncha times, which was a little less than pleasent but who could get mad at a face like this. Long / cute story short, me mum and I are both allergic to the lil mutt so we kicked her little button nose to the curb. That’s the end of that chapter.

Ahhh the annual San Mateo County Fair, home of the footlong corn hunk of ass on a stick, the triangle basketball rim game, and a bunch of cracked out carnies. Now I’ve missed out on a couple years of the local festivities, and from the looks of things, I’ve really been missin out. Shit I done went two nights in a row it was so hoppin! First night with my lovely gal pal, second night with the boys. Thirdly I write full sentences. Beautiful assortment of bovine at the livestock exhibit this time around, not to mention the pork hopefuls, I couldn’t resist reaching down to pet one of the lil oinkers, Eebs preferred his little pony. Meanwhile, Joe was gettin fresh with the ginormous stuffed bunny in the middle of nothing outside. We tried hustlin the hustlers but failed miserably and lost at least 5 bucks a piece on dumbshit carny games. I tried feverishly tryin to win my girl some second rate piece of plush, but the greasy rock fiend carny mocked my efforts. Joe dropped another 10 bills on the most mutant lump of chicken I’ve ever seen on a stick that could barely support the weight. Take notice to the creamy citrusy beverage in his left hand, purchased due to my influence, if you recognize this cup of goodness as an Orange Julius, I wish to be your friend. Orangue Julius’ kick ass.

I’m finally makin hella progess on the new layout, I wanna release before September, no promises, my birthday is on Thursday, should be crackin. Stay tuned, bitches.

Put your mouse over the gals
3 Second Pop Tarts?
Bigass Fish
Lamest Black Metal Pics/a>
My weekend car

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