What’d You Get For Christmas?
I think I scored this year, raked in a buncha loot! I got: this windup bug thing that spits out sparks when it crawls over stuff, I got strangling kit that I can use to work out I guess, and a bigass ball that I can use while gettin tangled up in myself. I got little tiny board games that use magnets so jus in case I fall off my ball, my pieces wont fall! Got Meet the Parents DeeBeeDee that I can watch while chewing one of four types of gum. I got that my zia stole from her office, maybe I can use those on my Mach V! Who knows? Either way I got the biggest stocking you’ll ever see.
After the last present was opened and the last curly Q was hurled on the floor we all left for the Hyatt hotel for a X-Mas brunch. I don’t know why I brought my camera, I’m sure people thought I was some kinda poor white trash in awe of the lush surroundings, but whateva, at least I didn’t try to sneak some melon balls home in my pocket. Food was good, made my Uncle lick his chops and my gramma enjoyed it too. All the while my zia was talkin into her imaginary microphone. So on the way out I was helpin my gramma down the escalalor when I took a second look at those little brissel things that kinda line the botton of it. I was jus wondering what the hell those are for. Are they to clean your feet? Are they super cool noicemakers? I may never know! So if one of you fools knows what it is, be sure to comment and tell me.
Got home, my uncle hadda belly fulla brunch so he tooka nap on my gramma’s shoes. So I ‘d say it was a good Christmas, had it’s moments, my uncle napped, I sat, I stood, I can’t believe I dint have to use my A.K., today was a good day.
– Thought these were a myth
– Weird
– Bush Soundboard
– Tricks of the Burger Trade
– Kid Hacked NASA
– Nice Girls
howd you fit that ball through the doot
Nice, I got a Nintendo DS for X-mas, TAKE THAT GIANT BALL! HAHAHA! the end.
i like the giant ball .. LOL … happy holidays nick
i used to catch farts in my hand. i should sell that shit too then. btw, im trying to trade links with you but your hotmail addy doesnt exist and your trade links form is broken.
Oh thanks EDI, I jjus fixed that form. We can trade links.
…… i can’t believe i didn’t have to use my A.K., today was a good day…. hahaha you had me going for a while….. good one ( im prob. the only one laughing at that joke….. fuck it)