Worst Post Ever
Got a lot off my chest today, 235 pounds to be exact, lifted for two hours today, gettin more Tongan by the day. I wanna be able to hit 250 a few times by the end of the year, I hope to someday change my last name to Bradyolanitani and get one of those bitchin tribal tats on my forearm. That’d be soo flippin sweet.
Anyway, lunch with the fellas today, the times, they were powerful good, the food was cheap and greasy, (jus like your mom). Russel smoked the shit outta Scott’s mustang, and he doesn’t even know how to shift, and Cahill came in second. Four burnouts and 3 pot stickers later I was back home, strappin on my shoes for the days run.
Last finals tommorow, iono bout you guys but I got Maff and History and I’m a tid bit nervous about failing miserably and living the rest of my life without the slighest idea of what the hell a ‘octohedron’ looks like! History shaint be as bad, but chocolate of boxes you get what you always know. Dyslexia is funny.

Rockin the plaid shirt (grunge status) – Very cool Jacket – Up close and personalComment if you know whats good for you, (1% milk)
– It would take pinky 45 minutes to finish this
– Ghetto Ipod Case
– Robots
– Spliff Rollin 101
aww baby nick how cute
Spiffy jacket, I hate kids though, even if i know them at present times haha.
yo yo yo, nice pic of your pimp ass. Got the Napolean D theme goin. i like.
keep up the nbhq status quo. cya
precious pics nick.. whatta cutie. PEANUT MILK hooow wierd… pretty fuckin grose, if i say so.
hey hottness!!! just think only one more day of finals and then hellza days off!!! it will be awsome FER SUR!!!!! well hope we can hang out soon and have an awsome time together, see you at school
mucho luv
-Jess ;c]
lol damnnnn that burnout had helllllla smoke i couldnt even see behind me
hey nicky…..ur baby pick is soo cute!!! awww! i
tres chic picture. actually, youre the ugliest baby to ever walk/crawl the planet! ok im just flippin kidding dont pee in your diaper. you know youre hot. but u know im hotter. sorry nick, theres always gonna be someone better than you so learn to cope.
your radio is lookin hot hot hot…jack+ben, the shins, pumpkins, finch…ohhhh boyyy
Could we call in an impartial judge.
You’ve scored a 6 in my heart, baby.
Andy your site is sick
Very much so.
Apartheosis commands my inner child.
Hilarity ensues.
I like what you’ve done with NBHQ.
nigga you ugly
you are, im sexier 🙂