We can play the guitar lika mutha fuckin riot
Lovin, is what I got meng. G’weekend, g’drives’ g’jammin, g’times mayonaiseeee. Eebs is a true pimp, tearin shit up at el promo, ( click here for pics of eebs crrraazzy night! ). So while Eebs cuttin rug in city hall in the latter hours of the eve, I’m freakin wiff mai magic makah. But its coo, she lets me do all the work. Har har har.
Met up Bobs and the Kizz last night, hit the humps lika billhilly wiffa belt, heard it was rainin soda cans offa el camino the other night, hmmm.. I was thorougly entrhalled by Kizz’z breaktaking vocal performance of “Enter Sandman”, in that nipple on wheels we call the Volkswagon Bug. G’shit though fellas. To Bobs: hope u dint get in too much trouble for snappin the tit offa the door man, if u need help puttin it back on, ill help ya.
Family came over for my zias birfday, went to a old school ice scream place cabuz my zia hazza sore toof. So this place, not only a badass joint for a bittle litta ice scream but a great place for the candy, the cool stuff, the shiz u wont find jus anywhere. Allison bought a buncha stuff, cool stuff. Yeah and I went upstairs to use the can and I saw that the whole friggin attic was chuck full wiff weird ass candy, boxes worth! Whoa nelly. Almost stole some bologna, remembered we had gummie gizzards at home.
Latest bitchin pic : here
On a darker note, my brotha dawkness closed deh book on his baby, and is lookin for a thick young lady to pull, he enjoy long walks from police, household appliances, and does enjoy slappin pizza around every so often. No joke ladies, heeza catch, message him on AIM: Gfunkt77, yessuh..

Best post ever my man..
I agree
commenting for yurself now nicky boy?