Sexy Seven Fiesta
“Beer before liquor, never been sicker” was the theme that seemed to prevail over this eventful and chunks-filled night. It was to be a celebration of the Sexy Seven, a septuple group of elite females who each posess there own unique bit of sultriness and spice. The damn thing was thrown by none other than K-Dubb & Adam while it was held at casa de la A-Ryda. The night progressed through a blurry gradient for those who chose to abuse liquid substances and a series of colorful ripples for those who chose the inhalable substances. We played some dumbass drinking game in which you hold up a finger for everything you have done for example, in this pic Matty is holding up two fingers denoting that he has both received and performed a rim job. I brought my my pimp hat which really seemed to do the trick. Near halfway into the festivities, the liquor took hold and I summonded some of my super sloshed strength to hoist up some chicolitas and get a little man ass on the couch. This pic shall always warrant a giggle. Heres a dramaization of how I did at the party overall. FAILURE. Ash’ms got gum in Joe’s dew so then we went outside to talk about how it made us feel, twas an emo moment an a somber, bittersweet end to a crazy alcohol ridden night. This Irishman has learned his life lesson. All apologies to those who caught a hairy glimpse of my coinslot arse hole while I leaned on Amanda’s fence for moral support.
And heres a nice vid of Timmay & Rob Young cuttin rug after a visit with Jack Daniels & Capt Morgan:
CHEA party number what? i dunno it dont matter, ww/o all the party peeps an the real NICK BRADY it ain tha same.. i dissapeared halfway through the night to have some deep conversations, but next time WE will be partying it up going stewey.
btw i gigled at the pic
best post in a longggg time, you know why, yeahh. amanda throws amazing partays, and kevin is the best at peepin game. oh yeah, YOU YACKED, mother fuckerrr.