Now is Then
Member when I said I’d fill ya puckas in on who to do and what to say? Well, well, well…gather round chillins! As I said last weekend I took my baby to Chinatown, that was good oriental fun for the whole family! Oh it maybe scary at first, the cuisine looks like its something us normals might need some getting used to. I would have taken more pictures of the eatables that lined the shelves and floors of the narrow sweaty little shops run by discruntled medicine men, but this thirsty ferocious friend was having none of my antics on that very day! In the distance, we heard the somber bellows of a those chinese…violin…things that seem to be all the rage for asian senior citizens, it was than when idea struck, my sugah thought “Her!! A nerkel erta shert herm erp” “Good thinkin sweets!” And so it was. We would insert our loose change in the coin slots of many of the various street performers that one chinese day than we ran into this one dude who exclaimed “YOU WANT ME FUCKING MAKE BURN YOU?!, we scidoozled, but I still found time to get my gAnGsTa lEaN and…those lil dolls are spooky as all get out. And thats all I got the gas for tonight folks.
Sunday was the day of the father and my dad and I ferried ofta good ol Angel Island, the immigration station of the of the West Si-eed. It was cool stuff, but if your into islands, and insightful poetry I jus sorta pissed around while I waited for my dad to catch up. Click here to see pics of the Angel Island Run.
Ok so back to the nature at hand..Keep in mind im talking about shit that happend over a week ago because …jus because..anyway I was doin a little power sanding on some old weights that I sorta got handed down to me, I think they were my great-grampas, so think about it fellas and foolas, the weights have gotta be at least a hundred years old, but weights are weights, and my mom says she doesnt want me lifting her anymore. Whatev. Anyway I was tryin to get somma the excess rust of those sons a bitches cause no one likes dem gritty weights. As im doin all this, shits flyin everywhere, sparks, fragments, the werks. Keep in mind I wasnt wearing any kinda protection at this point cause I couldn’t find any goggles that would match my outfit, so sure the fuck enough, as im doin this, one bigass spark shoots right in my eye. I didnt think much of it at the time, but boy howdy, when it came time to set from geep, I was hurtin for certain. Next day went to eye doc, told em what happend, they looked and said I had a rather large chunk of oxidized iron lodged in my eyeball, so they gave me this super cool patch so I type this now, my eyes are patchless, but dialated as fuck for the second day…the lil dialating solution is supposed to last for like… a few hours right? Not…like 48 hours? Weak shite for me. ‘sall dandy.
Lets see..what else has been gerin ern…Oh went to my girls Junior Olympic qualification tournament over in, Moraga, CA, which is a little shy of … somewhere.. a little..farther. Anyway she played 3 games. Oh wait wait wait, before I go on, lemme tell ya how my hardcore my girl is ok? Alright. So probably…3-4 weeks ago, she breaks her finger, doing what you ask? Well playing water polo of course! Jermed it perty herd. Lemme jus say…shes pretty tough and perty hot. Anyway, she broke her finger, and insteada stayin out fer a bittle lit, she ferkin has still been playin, hard and good I might add, jus the way ya mutha likes it. It was pretty nasty injury at first heres anerther pic er ther injery. Crazy eh? Anyway she did crazy good at the tourney and now you can say that shes a Junior Olympian. Yes indeed.
So im jus reminding everyone about how from the streets I am in this pic reppin 650 as hard as I can without anymore more strain on my eye, or ginourmous pupils.. My sugah looks hardcore enough next to her dream ride but I must say… when it comes to automobiles I guess I seem to have better taste.
Well thats all I hafta say, cause my vision is 100% blur-i-fied, Ill try to update more from now on, and uh..oh few quickies fore I depart to summerschool:
Nathan Gill
Your ability to lick your own titty will forever astound me and take my breathe away, it shall be the force from which I absorb strength from. Your a cool cat, and..dont piss Leo off cause he’ll shock ya ass.
Matty Ebert
Have we fallen out of touch? Or have we jus not touched enough? Whichever it is I think its time we warm our asses in your sweet ride and cruise and sing some freebird rounda fire…GOC is coming sir.
Stephan Romeyn
I’ll find the wallet soon enough shitglue.
Randall Scott Hoppes
One hellova cook, with huge forearms and biceps, oh Randy…(*sigh*) your my heroooo.
Margaret Harbison
What the shit? Did you know she moved to Florida already? Cerz Nerk derdnt@!
Ashley Slocum
Goin to some camp for a bittle lit? (3 weeks?) Iono bout you guys, but I know I cant go 3 weeks without one of her crazy webshots, so this should keep ya busy for …3 weeks:
Im sure I prolly forgot some people, but are you gonna yell atta blind man? Or a man who had a obtuse foreign body abrase his cornea? Dint think so bia.

that sugah AGAIN. mmm mmm. she will be mine. oh yes. she will be mine. and i know her name too. its…
Eura dousche Olive, and its Kelsie so thats 2 dousche points for you so far, and I think that puts you in the lead.
Matty wants some of those kisses
I apologize for that outburst.
Hey, just want to let you know, your linking netadc with my button :/
Fixed it for ya spud
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