Cops & Robbers

Surely, you are acquainted with the host with the most, Mr Fuckin Beck, knowin how to throw the show and have a shitload of goers in attendance. Everyone from Mos Def, the main Marcus, to my newest buddy was there, fuck, J-boy even came with his boy Keg, root beer of course. Nothin like good ol keg juice to get things movin, and movin, and humpin. Hip hop anonymous was outside, spittin with the keg, Pinkylayin the beat, orally of course. Pool was played on the same table women danced upon, how’s that for a good time?
Thizz hour; we circled the surface of billiards, it began with with a face like he smelled some piss, an expression than passed on to Eebs, and finally onto yours truly. By Thizz hour, everyone had just about drowned their livers in sweet, sweet brew juice, causing unprovoked protruding of the tongue, followed by further humping.
So, me, Laus & Pinky were in charge of sifting out the riff-raff and randoms that had slipped in under the radar, kinda hard when theres a fuckload of people. I did what any jolly green giant would do and grabbed the nearest elongated cucumber and came out a-swingin. As enforcing as me and my cucumber might have seemed, my tiny, tiny balls prevented me from sayin a damn thing to this guy, but then again Pinky ate and shit out this guy; we big, we bad.
I made some new fans that night, hell I even scored a pic with this cool chic, and of course, I said hey to my number one fan himself and six foot sixteen twin. Thank you for my time Brendon Beck, thank you.
– ****Jordan’s Comcast Spoof****
– Glow in the Dark Beer
– More Paper Art
– Gutted Xbox 360
– Old Tyson Video
– Asshole Mom of the Year Award
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